The Carb Rotation Diet
By Jason Hunter
I am not a big fan of diets, because I think in order to make a life style difference you must have a lifetime nutritional plan. Although, the carb rotation diet describes a 30 day diet, it also explains how to maintain your weigh goals after you have completed the diet. The best part about this E-Book is that it is very straight forward and easy to read. Each page is filled with helpful tips that most people take for granted. For example, put your fork on your plate after every bite to ensure that you chew your food completely and do not over eat.
I am skeptical about diets, because I feel that the only way to lose weight that has been proven is to reduce your calories to the point of a calorie deficit. I feel that the carb rotation diet gives you another strategy to decrease your calories and create a deficit. The difference between the carb rotation diet and many other diets is that you will not count calories and you are allowed to enjoy your favorite carbs more often.
The book has a great chapter about reading labels, which can be very helpful in dealing the slick marketing of the food industry. I would have liked to see some more sample meal plans and workouts. But, maybe Jason did not want to rob the reader of the opportunity to be creative and learn how to plan effectively. This plan is effective and most of us know that losing weight is not rocket science. It all comes down to making a decision to being consistent in following an effective plan of action.
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Virtual Memory sure is becoming cheaper these days. I'm curious as to when we will finally reach the rate of 1c to 1 Gigabyte.
I await the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 terabyte hard drive, haha. But for now I guess I will be content with having a 32 gig Micro SD Card in my R4i.
(Posted using Nintendo DS running [url=!2602F0E287041CEF!106.entry]R4i[/url] R4Post)
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